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8 of 10 Missing

Scenario 1: Your friend invites you to go bowling. As the guest, he kindly lets you go first. As you step to the line, you see that there are two instead of 10 pins. You ask your friend to hit the reset button. “Why?” He replies, “It’s all good.” You shrug. His rules. You knock down both pins. Your friend goes next, he has 10 pins. You bowl your next frame and get to bowl with seven pins. Your friend goes again and he again gets 10 pins. You laugh and hope the jokes over but see that this time you only have three pins. You look at your friend who seems to think everything is normal. By the time the first game ends, you realize that you have only seen a total of 40 pins.

Scenario 2: A company hires you for a position and tells you up front that you are expected to travel to 65 locations across the United States. Your base pay is $50 per hour? It sounds like a fair deal until you find out that you only make a percentage of your base salary depending on the location. One of the 65 locations pays you several dimes over $50/hour. At all the other locations, though, you only make 18-69% of your salary or $9-$34.50 per hour. After the first year of working for the company, you have averaged earnings of $20/hour.

These scenarios are not pure analogies but simple images of what it looks like to have 3 to 8 out of every 10 Black individuals missing at 64 of the 65 Power 5 campuses across America. LOUISVILLE is the exception. On average, these campuses are missing 6 out of 10 Blacks. METHODOLOGY

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